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2004年 12月

Date: 2004年12月22日
From: New! 2004年 11月1日号


Discovering Buddhism
Date: 2004年12月13日
From: FPMT Education Dept
Discovering Buddhism

The Spiritual Teacher:


If you want to learn anything well you have to find a teacher who has mastered the subject you want to learn. What would you think itwould be any different from your spiritual life? To find your way out of suffering you must find the guide who has already found hisway out and can show you how to do it yourself.


To find a spiritual teacher is the most fundamental aspect of the Buddhist path. It is not possible to learn to be enlightened bybooks alone. You need a living teacher to personally guide you. Jay Song Kappa obtained enlightenment and because of his greatcompassion gave teachings on the graduated path to enlightenment so that others can be free. He taught that the first step on thepath is to devote yourself to a teacher who can properly guide you and in this program we will learn how to recognize a perfectlyqualified teacher and how rare it is to be able to tape it as your guide.

あなたの師を見つけることは仏教の教えの仏教の最も基本的な側面です。本を読んだだけでは仏教の悟りを開くことはできません。人は悟りを以って生活をしている人に個人的にアドバイスをしてもらうことが必要です。Jay Song Kappaは悟りを開き、彼の深い慈愛をもって、教えを開き、多くの衆生をその業から解放しました。

All About Karma:


We all want to be happy. When you think that your destiny is in the hand of God and everything happens randomly then you feel youhave no control and there is no chance to create a future.


In Buddhism, the recognition of the laws of cause and effect also known as Karma is the fundamental key to understanding how youcreated your world with the actions of your body, speech and mind. When you truly understand Karma then you realize you areresponsible for everything in your life. It is incredibly empowering to realize that your future is in your hands. In this programwe will learn the basic laws of Karma and how to change your world.


Refuge in the Three Jewels:

When we are uncomfortable or anything unpleasant happens, we take refuge in something. Usually we turn to food, alcohol, sex, drugs,money, power and relationships. But none of these things gives us the lasting power of protection or satisfaction we are lookingfor. When you understand that you can't find everlasting happiness in sorrow then the desire to find true refuge becomes strong.


In Buddhism, we take refuge in the three jewels. Buddha, Dharma and Sanga. The Buddha is like a doctor that understands your diseaseand knows how to treat it. The Dharma, the teaching is the medicine he proscribes and the Songa is the spiritual community thathelps you to take the medicine. To take refuge is to finally seek protection in what will really help you. When we think about theultimate nature of reality and what causes us to suffer, this is the meaning of refuge.


Date: 2004年12月6日
From: FemailFirst


1位 Bulletのスティーブ=マックイーン(1968)
2位 COOL HAND LUKEのポール=ニューマン
3位 GOLDFINGERのショーンコネリー
4位 THE WILD ONEのマーロン=ブランドー
5位 我らが御大キアヌ(マトリックス)

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