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*** Short Stories(15-Apr-2000)
  1. The Replacements review by The football net work(??-Aug-2000)
  2. "Matrix" Sequel(17-Apr-2000 - 19-Dec-2000)
  3. Happy Happy Happy?(09-Nov-2000)
  4. Keanu plays "Hard Ball"(07-Apr-2000 - 27-Oct-2000)
  5. "The Watcher"(27-Feb-2000 - 15-OCT-2000)
  6. "Matrix" Sequel(17-Apr-2000 - 09-Oct-2000)
  7. Keanu's Interview(28-Aug-2000)
  8. Keanu's Song(07-Aug-2000)
  9. Back in the game (06-Aug-2000)
  10. "Matrix" Sequel(17-Apr-2000 - 06-Aug-2000)
  11. Keanu Reeves, 'The Matrix' Win MTV Awards(17-Apr-2000 - 10-June-2000)
  12. "The Watcher"(27-Feb-2000 - 06-Jun-2000)
  13. Keanu Reeves accepts Block buster Favorite Actor award(10-May-2000 - 22-May-2000)
  14. "Romeo must die" & "Matrix"(23-Mar-2000 - 21-May-2000)
  15. "Sweet November"(05-Jan-2000 - 20-May-2000)
  16. Keanu, Jerry Hall Aid Sick Sibs(04-May-2000)
  17. Celebrates First Birthday(27-Apr-2000)
  18. "Matrix" Sequel(17-Apr-2000 - 1999-Apr-2000)
  19. Matrix, Austin Powers Top MTV Movie Award Nods(17-Apr-2000)
  20. DVD market - "Matrix" sales(15-Apr-2000)
  21. "The Replacements" good test screeing (09-Apr-2000)
  22. News - Matrix wins 4 Oscars(27-Mar-2000 - 28-Mar-2000)
  23. Keanu appeared at "Romeo must die" premiere(23-Mar-2000)
  24. Cushy 'Ottoman' Job => Cancelled (26-Jan-2000 - 8-Mar-2000)
  25. Sad news about his baby(11-Jan-2000 - 20-Mar-2000)
  26. "The Gift"(04-Jan-2000 - 18-Feb-2000)
  27. Awards(02-Jan-2000 - 15-Feb-2000)
  28. Matrix Nomination(18-Jan-2000)
  29. Benefit-Children United(07-Jan-2000)
  30. Keanu's 2000 Project(29-Nov-1999)
  1. The Rumor that Keanu will be daddy
  2. "Matrix" is the one
  3. "BATMAN"??
  4. Monks over the moon The Magic of Tibet
  5. The Replacement shooting
  6. "Action"
  7. Matrix 2 & 3

Established since 1st September 2001
by 999 SQUARES.